church bell from below

No Other Foundation

Reflections from Fr. Lawrence Farley

I am happy to announce that my new book entitled Living Faith is now available from Ancient Faith Publishing and through

       Like all my other books, I wrote this one for my parishioners and for people like them.  In particular, I wrote this book to explain the doctrines and practices of Orthodoxy to interested, perplexed, and perhaps somewhat hostile Evangelicals with the aim of facilitating better understanding.  It is written in an irenic spirit, and offers a bridge between Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism—hopefully a bridge that Evangelicals will use to come home to the Orthodox Church.  I hope those who read the book will find it useful.

       The work has received some endorsement.

       Frederica Mathewes-Green wrote:  “Fr. Lawrence's familiarity with evangelicals enables him to speak about the Orthodox faith in a gentle, non-confrontational way. He does not insult the sincere faith, but invites them to take a longer look at Orthodoxy.  Many evangelicals are looking for Orthodoxy; they just don't know it yet. Fr. Lawrence's book answers their questions, and helps them begin the journey.”

       Hank Hanegraaff wrote:  “This concise yet commanding resource not only fulfills the role of Orthodox advocacy but serves as a powerful catalyst for awakening Orthodox adherents to the treasure chest in which they are ensconced.”  

       Dr. Bradley Nassif, author of The Evangelical Theology of the Orthodox Church, wrote:  “What sets this booklet apart from other, more popular attempts by Orthodox writers on the subject, is its level of sophistication.  Fr. Lawrence provides answers based on sound biblical exegesis and the influence of Second-Temple Judaism on early Christianity.  Although the type of Evangelical he focuses on seems more from the revivalist camp than the wider Evangelical family, the booklet provides readers with a mature comparative analysis of key aspects that differentiate Orthodox from Evangelicals.  Fr. Lawrence's careful reasoning and keen historical insight makes this a "must read" for anyone interested in the theological relationship between our two traditions.” 

       The book is available from Ancient Faith Publishing here.

       It is available through Amazon here

Fr. Lawrence Farley

About Fr. Lawrence Farley

Fr. Lawrence serves as Rector Emeritus of St. Herman's Orthodox Church in Langley, BC. He is also author of the Orthodox Bible Companion Series along with a number of other publications.