church bell from below

No Other Foundation

Reflections from Fr. Lawrence Farley

Fr. Lawrence Farley

About Fr. Lawrence Farley

Fr. Lawrence serves as pastor of St. Herman's Orthodox Church in Langley, BC. He is also author of the Orthodox Bible Companion Series along with a number of other publications.

My New Commentary on Ephesians

Those very familiar with my work may know that I have written commentaries on every book of the New Testament, published by Ancient Faith Publishing as The Bible Study Companion Series.  One volume of that series was “The Prison...
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The Slippery Slope and the Eclipse of the Gospel

In the ongoing debate over the legitimacy of the new so-called “deaconesses” established by some Orthodox in Africa we often hear of “the slippery slope argument”.  Some people use the term with approval, insisting that there does indeed...
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An Assurance of Salvation

I am sometimes asked if an Orthodox Christian can have an assurance that he or she will be saved.  The question usually comes from my converts from Evangelicalism.  They were previously taught that when one is saved, one is given the...
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Anaxios: Unworthy and Evil

A story is told of the final temptation of Christ.  Satan had been trying to tempt Jesus to sin, to compromise, to abandon His divine mission (see Matthew 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13), and according to this story, Satan tried one last time to...
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Predestination: Trampling the Tulip

In this final blog post, I would like to conclude my extended look at a Reformed view of predestination.  There are certain aspects of it that fly in the face of much Biblical teaching.       In classic five-point Calvinism on this...
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Do You See This Woman?

All of the words of the Saviour are important, even the words spoken that were strictly rhetorical.  One such utterance is found in the story of the sinful woman, told in Luke 7:36f.        The story is told of a day that Christ entered...
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Marian Devotion, Orthodox and Roman Catholic

Protestant critics of Orthodoxy fault us for many things, but one of the foremost of their objections is our devotion to Mary, the Mother of Jesus.  Hostility to Roman Catholicism is built into Protestant DNA, so anything in Orthodoxy...
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Praying for Nero

I have recently come across the teaching that Orthodox Christians should not pray for non-Orthodox.  I cannot cite the details of who-where-when, so perhaps I am misunderstanding what is being said.  But the concern to differentiate...
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Receiving Converts into the Orthodox Church

The method by which the Orthodox Church receives converts is a very controversial topic, and one which has provoked much online discussion.  Should a convert be received by baptism, by chrismation alone, or perhaps simply after a...
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Finding Comfort in the Ascension

The feast of the Ascension is a feast of comfort and consolation for the people of God.  But it can for some people represent a stumbling block.  Looking at the ascension of Christ as it is narrated in Scriptures, does the Church then...
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“To Thine Own Self Be True”

Many people will (hopefully) identify the above quote as coming from the speech of Polonius in Act 1, Scene 3 of Shakespeare’s Hamlet.  It was part of the fatherly talk he gave to his son Laertes before the boy moved away to university. ...
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Reflections on the Ordination of Deaconess Angelic

       In a recent edition of the “Public Orthodoxy” website (of course; where else?) Dr. Carrie Frost offered some exuberant and triumphant reflections of the recent ordination of the “deaconess” Angelic in Africa.  The recently...
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