church bell from below

No Other Foundation

Reflections from Fr. Lawrence Farley

Fr. Lawrence Farley

About Fr. Lawrence Farley

Fr. Lawrence serves as pastor of St. Herman's Orthodox Church in Langley, BC. He is also author of the Orthodox Bible Companion Series along with a number of other publications.

Reflections on an October Event

Halloween these days provides a time for the predictable annual debate about whether or not Christians should participate in Halloween, and many participants in the debate express themselves very strongly.  As we approach that time, I...
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Can I Get an Amen?

Those familiar with old-time Pentecostalist liturgy will identify the title of this piece as a part of that liturgy.  Not, of course, that tongue-speaking Pentecostalists of the old school would admit to having liturgy.  Liturgy, for...
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Sitting Lightly on Labels

I have just finished reading Diarmaid MacCulloch’s Christianity:  The First Three Thousand Years.  It is a thoroughly enjoyable read, comprehensive, and engagingly written.  It is also a great doorstopper of a book, so large a hardbound...
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Adoption to Sonship

In the baptismal prayer in which the priest blesses the baptismal water, there is a line that baptism will bestow upon the candidate the loosing of bonds, the remission of sins, the illumination of the soul and “the gift of adoption to...
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Prime Minister Trudeau and Q Spirit

In about 1968, Prime Minister Trudeau (not our current disaster, a previous one) famously declared that “the government has no business in the bedrooms of the nation”.  Even then it was a touch asinine when you really thought about it,...
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The Lights of an Approaching Rescue

On September 8, the Church sings that the Nativity of the Theotokos has “proclaimed joy to the whole universe”.  It is easy enough to sing, but somewhat harder now for us to understand.  Why, we may ask, did the birth of a baby girl in...
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A Continued Pentecost

In the late Metropolitan’s Kallistos Ware’s classic The Orthodox Church, he describes the Church as “a continued Pentecost”.  This is true, but it is important not to misunderstand his meaning.It is possible to understand the description...
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So…Who Was Linus?

It seems to be commonly held among scholars that the so-called monarchical episcopate (i.e. the system of having one bishop governing a city church with presbyters working with him) was not apostolic  and did not come to Rome until the...
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Requiem for Ted Byfield: the Sound of Silence

I have just finished reading (devouring actually) a biography of Ted Byfield entitled Prairie Lion, who left the earthly battlefield for the Kingdom of God on December 23, 2021.  The book is eminently readable and documented what I...
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“Does a Chicken Cry?”: Responding to Transgenderism

On my sainted parents’ graves, I swear the following conversation actually took place.Perplexed Man: “Male gametes—that’s what makes me male.”Transgender Apologist:  “No—your sperm don’t make you male.”PM: “Then what does?”TA: “It’s a...
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On Baptizing Infants

The recent decision of Archbishop Elpidophoros to baptize the adopted child of an openly gay couple in Greece is only the latest addition to a series of actions which have raised Orthodox eyebrows, coming as it does hard on the heels of...
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Sir, We Would See Jesus

This last May St. Ninian’s Anglican Church in Scarborough, Ontario was deconsecrated by the Anglican bishop of Toronto and returned to secular use.  Usually the deconsecration of Anglican churches is of no interest to me, unless they are...
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The Episcopal Proclamation: A Needed Symbol

Orthodox people love symbols—we even find symbols in places where they don’t really exist, such as when we say that the Gospel Entrance in the Divine Liturgy is a symbol of Christ going out to preach.  (Liturgical footnote:  an entrance...
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Roe vs. Wade: Reflections of a Foreigner

In reflecting on the recent legal overturn of Roe vs. Wade in the United States, I am acutely aware of my status as a foreigner here in Canada living north of all the action.  The decisions of the United States Supreme Court have no...
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